Thursday, July 5, 2012

More Dating Woes:Red Caddy

Last year around this time, I was using online dating sites as a way to try to meet men outside of my circle. I met one, and we hit it off but somehow after talking on the phone things just didn’t work. Recently this man contacted me on the facebook, and we began chatting again. I couldn't recall what happened, or why we stopped talking so I figured what could it hurt by talking to him again. Soon a date was set up for us to meet and hang out.
We agreed to meet at a local brewery for lunch, and as I got out the car I noticed a red Cadillac pull up (circa 1995, not that that’s important) and I immediately knew that it was him. I briefly thought about getting back in my car and pulling off. I had time, but decided to just go on with the date.

After being seated, we chatted for a bit. It was familiar since we had talked on the phone for the past week or so. Out of the blue he says “I need to go blow my nose before this booger comes out on the table”… Uhh what now? I was like “Ok, handle your business”, and nervously laughed. When in reality I was grossed out, and confused as to why anyone would tell a woman that on their first date. I should have run out the door at this point, but I was invested in being polite. So lunch comes, we eat. He starts telling me about women he has gone out with recently, and how he meets a lot of women. Again- weird things to talk about with a woman you are currently on a date with. He recounts a tale about a recent date with a woman he had been seeing and she began crying for apparently no reason, and he asks her “are you on your period or something?” , then goes on to ask me if I am over emotional. At this point I just want the date to be over.
He goes on to tell me how he dislikes people who move to fast in relationships and create drama out of nothing. Blah, fine. Bring the check.

As soon as I am free, I leave thinking that nothing will ever come from this. I was not at all impressed, nor did I ever want to talk to him again. He sent a text over the weekend telling me about a stomach/gas issue he was experiencing, which was wholly inappropraite and gross. He called me a few days later and I didn’t answer due to being asleep, the next day he texted me while I was busy in the other room. Now I wasn’t trying to ignore him, I was legit busy. Apparently he believed I was fading him out, which I wasn’t planning to do. I was actually just gonna be like this aint working, holla. But I guess he did it for me. I came back to a “four page letter” telling me how he didn’t like to chase women, and how he thought he was stalking me by texting and having conversation, and that if I wanted this to be over I needed to just say it. My response? “Whoa dude, that was a really deep text. For someone who likes to take it slow you got real intense over seemingly nothing.” He never texted back, I guess he didn’t appreciate my snark.
