Friday, August 3, 2012

Throwback Dating

Freshman year in college is a time of learning, about yourself and how you fit into the world around you. You experience a lot of new things, and meet a lot of new people. For most of us, it is the first time we have gotten to live away from the parents and that is an experience unto itself!

When I arrived to college, I realized I had been placed in a co-ed dorm. This wasn’t a huge deal to me, and I didn’t really speak to boys (or anyone I didn’t know) so I wasn’t worried about men being in my immediate vicinity being a distraction. This turned out to be a very false assumption.

About a month after starting school, I was washing clothes and some big fine country boy was playing pool by himself. We started chatting, and he seemed cool- he was on the basketball team and was from Fort Worth, TX. Which meant he was fine and southern, two things I like in a man. From then on I would see him out, and he would just stare at me until I spoke to him. It was odd, but I kind of like crazy folks so it intrigued me. He started walking me to class and I would hang out in his room with him or in mine. I guess per college standards we were dating.

Side note: my roomie was a very wonderful white gal named Barbie, she would come home TORE UP often, and couldn’t figure out how to use her key so I frequently left the door unlocked so I didn’t have to walk out and find her crumpled in front of our door.

So after a few months of seeing him, I realized he was quite the insane person. He would come into my room often without knocking and would eat mine and Barbie’s food. I would hear him coming down the hall singing Al Green songs, and just get annoyed. But at the same time, loved that he was nuts and something about the way he said “Aww Girl” in his Texas twang got me every time.

One night after a party on campus was over, I woke up in my bed for seemingly no good reason. Initally I was confused as to why I awoke but soon realized that the light was on, so I thought maybe Barbs had come home and I rolled over to look at her side of the room. Low and behold- what did I see? This fool sitting in my desk chair that he had pulled up next to my bed, while snacking on an apple he says “Aww girl, you even pretty when you sleep”… ummm what? Why? I just said thank you and he got up after a few minutes and left. This was actually the first time I started wondering if he was actually mentally unstable. SMH

Being a college relationship, time didn’t pass too long before I heard about him seeing someone else. So I stopped seeing him. This apparently didn’t stop him from creeping on me and coming into my room. I began seeing another guy, and one day while hanging out with him he asked me why he called my room the day before and dude answered the phone. I was totally outdone and confused!! Why WAS he in my room, answering my phone and had the nerve to not even leave me the messages… jerk.

Anywho, crazy man left campus after our freshman year and is apparently living in his home city. I have not seen him since moving to TX and am really ok with that. This was just a quick story that I think about and laugh, because who breaks into folks rooms to stare at them??? I have been dealing with crazy folks for quite a long time yall……