Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Mind Control, brought to you by vh1

I’m not sure if it’s a sign that society is becoming stupider, or if they have found a way to control our minds through the televisions… I personally think it is the latter, as I consider myself to be an intelligent person. But I am worried by the fact that I seem to have an addiction to almost every show that vh1 offers me. There are some I can’t get with, but the others, no matter how completely moronic, I am ALL ABOUT. I will sit up and count down until new episodes come on, I discuss them with my friends, then I get angry at myself for watching and end up repeating this cycle next week…

I absolutely HATE Ray J. I think he is ridiculous, petty, simple, and completely indulgent. But I make sure to catch each new episode of his show. I truly dislike the caricatures of women portrayed on his show, yet I find myself dissecting them and everything they say and do with other ppl who share my addiction. I was the same way with Flavor of Love, I mean what woman really wants to be with that crispy dude, I love NY, bka- Lamb Chop of love…. Again you cannot convince me that any of those men really wanted to be a part of her life, especially after seeing that man/mom of hers Mrs. Patterson. Then we have Rock of Love, now although I’m not a BM fan, I can actually belive that some of those women want to be with him. He is not horrible looking and still kinda has a career. But the trailer trash/porn star cocktail of people that they give him is just crazy! The inappropriate mix of lace/weave/tattoos/spandex/and thongs is just a disaster in the making. I do of course end up watching the madness that ensues when all of these crazy people are put in a room with huge amounts of liquor…

So then we have the hot mess that is Making the Band on MTV. That dude Diddy knows how to make a hit, I aint even gonna front. Since he took over this show its been silliness, pettiness, and ghetto fabulousness all wrapped up in a delightful NY backdrop. From “The Band”, who I don’t even wanna get started talking about, to Danity Kane, who recently imploded from within due to the whorish actions of some members, to the bitchassness that is Day 26. I like the music of Day 26, but cannot respect these dudes as men for anything. I have never seen so many grown men bust into tears, have petty fights, get they mamas called on them, etc, than these dudes… But you know what, as much as I wanna slap each member, except for Mike, I stay watching.

Another channel that serves up foolishness on the regular is BET. I absolutely hate the cast of Harlem Heights. I had dreams that they would portray normal, working, intelligent, fun black adults who are doing big things in life. In reality they are petty, annoying, bottle poppin, caricatures. They talk about each other like dogs, and then smile in each others faces the next time they are out. The other show is College Hill. No words for that one… just yeah…

So many other trashy shows, little kid pageants, matchmakers, chef shows, its sad really.
I don’t want to think I have a problem but its becoming quite clear that I do. If there is a rehab I don’t want it. I prefer to watch the foolishness.

Thanks and good day.

Back on that work sht…

I know I always talk about work, but I have some crazy people that I work with.
There have been many incidents recently where people have completely shown their asses and acted a complete fool at work. Maybe its just me, maybe these issues are not a big deal, idk…

Some people at work do not understand what this word means. There are people who do not use them in regards to personal business. And there are people who do not apply them to their work life. I have a lady here who tells anyone who will listen about her home life, in addition to her questionable sex life. And DON’T LET HER GET DRUNK. Oh lawd! We have heard about 3-ways, bed jumping and all kinds of other explicit activities that I never wanted/needed to know about her. I mean she has gone so far as to solicit for her 3-ways with ppl in the office, WTF!
Then we have the woman whose side hustle is selling sex toys, she decided that it was a good idea to bring her box of “goodies” to work and set up a display at her desk. Then she went so far as to invite others to her desk in order to get clients. How in the world is this ok, and with this whole “economy issue” why would someone jeopardize their job in that manner…. I am pretty sure you are not supposed to be selling anything at work, and I am very certain that those kinds of items are a “no, no”.

Who down with ITB
Apparently several ladies in one dept are down with the ITB and what he is offering. One lady had been talking to him for a minute, and found out that her friend was also. It was bad news bears after that. A fuss match started, then it turned into a ridiculous he say/she say incident. He claims he never entertained her like that, which I find to be odd, what woman tries to throw down over some dude who aint entertaining her like that. I mean some psycho would I suppose, but I dnt think this is a Fatal Attraction incident. I think he got found out for talking to several of them chics at once and is now trying to save face. The whole situation is ridiculous. If you are talking to someone at your work place, make sure to keep that between yourself and that person, it really just makes you look crazy when sht like this happens. Oh, and if you are talking to someone at your job, how about you don’t holla at everyone else… just a thought…

Just plain nasty….
WHY is it so hard for some people to be sanitary? They make all this antibacterial stuff for a reason, because your nasty ass is living amongst us. When you cough, cover your mouth. When you sneeze cover your mouth, and in both cases you will need to bust out some antibacterial and or wash your dam hands after said attack is finished. When you use the rest room, please take a moment to wash your hands with soap and water, por favor. There are plenty of signs in there about what you shouldn’t flush down the toilet but no signs that say, “Wash your dam hands, nasty bastards”. One day I saw a lady walk out of a stall and run her hands under the water then walk out. Which I suppose she made an attempt, but really not so much… If you have been coughing/sneezing/snotting for more than a week, I suggest you take yourself in to see a doctor. I know it costs money, but I don’t appreciate you infecting me and everyone else in the building because you refuse to pay your co-pay.

Pray for me yall, these people are a funky mess….