Monday, May 24, 2010

Monday is not at all a Funday

Why does it seem like Friday night mysteriously melds into Sunday evening. No matter how great your weekend was, a general feeling of malaise occurs sometime on Sunday when you realize it’s almost that time to go back to work. All of a sudden you feel as if Saturday never occurred. You have no memory of it; the only thing you can think of is the fact that the work week is impending.
I just read an article about Mondays, and what we can do in order to feel better about them. Is there anything that we can really do to make them better? I mean I realize the work week has to start somewhere, but herein lays the problem. No one really wants to work week to start.
If the weekend was 3 days long and we started back up on Tuesdays, our anger would just gravitate to that day. People who seem down and out would be accused of having “a case of the Tuesdays”… And by the way- who in the hell says stuff like that, those people deserve to be punched in the mouth.
Mornings are not good for most people, and it doesn’t help to have some ridiculously happy/energetic person walk up to you and say something snarky about your mood. I don’t need you to suggest that I go drink some coffee, what if I suggested that you get your mouth stapled shut? Yeah that’s what I thought...
I sometimes wonder if I am the only person who rides to work thinking the whole time: should turn around and drive back home? This thought stays with me even as I am pulling into the garage- “no one has seen me yet, I can still turn around”. Then there are the days when I wake up and just sit in the bed with this feeling of dread.
I actually like the place I work and the work I do, also I really like the people I work with (well some of them). But the whole idea of getting up that early, putting on decent clothes and having to sit and stare at a computer for that long makes me want to jump into traffic. When I had a longer commute, I sometimes imagined myself opening the car door and rolling onto the turnpike, but then I thought about how much I like myself…
But what can really be done? Its work right? No one is gonna want to pay me to sit around and watch judge shows and drink champagne- which is what I would obviously rather be doing. I often entertain the idea of playing the lottery, but then I’m too lazy and forgetful to actual cop the tickets. So until I figure out how to get paid for lounging, or win the Powerball I will be here with the rest of you- hoping, wishing and praying for Monday to become Friday and then falling into major depression when Friday becomes Sunday.

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