Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Dating in DFW

Dating has been one of the hardest things I have tried to do. The biggest reason was because I had not "dated" in about a decade. I was pretty much out of my element, and really unsure about how to go about meeting people.

I tried going out, joined professional organizations, and then lastly online dating. None of these really ended like I hoped they would, but they did teach me some lessons along the way. I got used to making casual conversations with strangers, and flirting with no expectations, and I learned how to just go with the moment and try to have a good time regardless of the fact that I may never want to see this person again. The most important thing I learned though, was how to end it with someone in a respectful manner. Since I had little experience with dating I initially was nervous about shaking a guy I didn't like. I would take his calls even though I hated talking to him, because I didn't want to be rude. Then I began ignoring people, and that can sometimes make people get a little ugly with you. Eventually I realized the best thing to do was to be straight up with them.

One of the first guys that I ended up going on a date with was really cool, we had great conversation and laughed a lot. The downside- he reminded me of my father. Not in a "I feel like this guy can be a good dad", but like he literally has mannerisms like my daddy. So I had to chalk that one up. Met another guy who again seemed really cool, and we hung out for a couple of months. Then he got accepted into some program he had been trying to get into for a while and had to go focus on that. I totally get it, I was in school at the time too so I am all about someone trying to excel in their career but it sucked.

Next guy I met was in my MBA program, from my home state, we had a lot in common. He kept telling my girl how he was into me, while taking me out and having good convos. Well... turns out he had a baby mama that he never mentioned, who per him "thought they were still together". Uhh no bruh, sit down with all that. They got married 2 years later, and up until the wedding she didn't even have a key to his house. He now makes regular "guys" trips to the Dominican Republic...

Ugh that's enough for today.

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