Friday, June 1, 2012

Paranoid Woman

Regarding a woman in line at the airport,

Sooooooooo while in line at the airport, my sister and I were talking and I noticed a lady in a sundress holding some sandals. I said “I have those shoes”, my sister then points to a fat woman two people ahead with some grey pumas on and says “those shoes?”, I look at her quizzically and say “uh no, the ones she has in her hand”. Then Sis says “oh I like those”.

*I know I don’t need to mention the woman with the pumas’ weight, but get over it*

The lady holding the sandals, is wearing tennis and socks. I assume her feet hurt, she is preggers, idk… I don’t really care. She overhears the end of the exchange and says in an ugly manner “my feet swell when I fly”… and we look at each other, like oh ok. I just smile because I am not sure why she needed to tell us that.

Then she nudges her bf and says “they are making fun of me for having to wear these tennis shoes”…. Me and sis look at each other in shock, while the bf looks back at us…. I say “uhh no, we were saying we like those sandals she is holding and I own a pair just like them”. At this point she doesn’t turn around or say anything else. 


Projecting your weird issues onto strangers is just that, weird. Why would you assume someone is making fun of your shoe choice, when that was clearly not said?

People are cray…..

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