Wednesday, June 27, 2012

More Dating Woes: Friends Mean Well…

One of my good friends, who LOVES to hook people up recently decided to introduce me to one of her guy friends. This wasn’t the first time she introduced me to someone, and I am sure it won’t be the last. I know she means well, but these things never work out. LOL

The first guy I met through her, I can’t even blame her for. I was at her house for a party and met this lady she worked with. The lady promptly called her son and told him to come meet me. She refused to accept that I was 5 years older than this boy; he showed up and was adorable but young. Later he tried to talk to my sister who is more age appropriate for him, it still didn’t work.

The second guy was cool, but sent me too many dam pictures via text. Not like indecent pictures, just random pictures. I wasn’t used to that and wasn’t sure how to respond. I don’t like being put on the spot, so I didn’t appreciate the pressure that came from that. I mean do people understand how many shots are required to end up with a presentable picture? And who the hell just takes pics of them sitting in the car during their morning commute. No one needs to see me angrily yelling at dumb drivers during a ride that I hate has to happen. So alas, things fizzled due to my lack of picture sending.

The latest guy, ex-Canadian football player, works in property management, funny, attractive…
Obsessed with Canada.

We all met for sushi, had a good time laughing and joking. He is open to new foods, which I love. Also he drinks a lot, much like me. (I like people who don’t judge; you don’t have to drink as much as me, but please don’t get all judgey).

Anywho, we were having such a good time that I went back to his place with him to hang out more. At some point he mentioned how much he loved living in Vancouver. He showed me pictures, and it really was beautiful. But things began to get weird. I realized he had talked about Vancouver for at least 45 minutes. He was aggressively asking me if I “wanted those stamps on my passport”, and I was like “sure dude, seems like a nice place to visit”. That wasn’t enough for him. I was confused about his extreme enthusiasm and couldn’t share in it, so I decided to take my leave.

My sister believes that if I would have stayed, he may have drugged me and smuggled me off to Vancouver.

So yeah, that was that.

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